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21 Ways To Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

21 Ways To Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Using the least amount of energy to get the most amount accomplished is the very definition of efficiency. And it’s what we strive for in nearly every aspect of our lives, whether it’s meeting a professional deadline or nailing that yoga pose.

Energy efficiency is no different when it comes to our homes. When your house can maximize its energy output, you eliminate energy waste, help combat climate change, and save money on your monthly utility bills.

Ready to make your home more efficient? Here’s our quick-fix guide.

Add insulation to the attic.

If the attic isn’t well insulated, you could be losing warmth during the winter and cool air in the summer. A little extra padding to keep the temperature where it’s supposed to be and reduces the strain on your HVAC unit.

Seal doors and windows.

Eliminate drafts around openings with weather stripping or a layer or two of caulk.

Install low-flow showerheads.

These utilize the minimum amount of water necessary, and can reduce water usage by up to 60%.

Hang window treatments.

In the heat of summer, blackout drapes can help your HVAC keep the house cool without overworking itself.

Repair leaky faucets.

It’s a no-brainer—when faucets are leaking, they’re wasting water. Take five minutes to fix them.

Turn off lights.

When you leave a room, get in the habit of switching off lights. Or opt for smart switches and sensors, which automatically turn off lights in unoccupied rooms.

Replace windows.

Swap single-pane windows for dual-pane. If this doesn’t suit your budget, add a solar tint or window film to reduce heat from the sun entering your home.

Enjoy natural light.

Let the daylight illuminate around-the-house tasks to avoid expending unneeded energy on lamps and overhead lighting.

Upgrade your toilet.

Energy efficient toilets use water velocity instead of water volume to reduce waste. This translates to nearly 13,000 gallons of water conserved annually.

Change light bulbs.

As your older incandescent bulbs burn out, switch them out with energy-efficient LED bulbs. Don’t forget to change bulbs in lesser-used rooms, such as the garage, closets, and pantries.

Set a timer.

Outdoor lights only need to operate from dusk to dawn. Ensure zero energy waste by scheduling their automation to a timer.

Invest in a smart home monitor.

Take the guesswork out of where your home’s inefficiencies are and allow a smart home monitor, such as Curb [link to internal article “How The Curb Energy Monitor Works”], track this information and download the data to you in real-time.

Adjust laundry habits.

Wash and dry clothes during off-peak hours, make sure to do full loads, wash items in cold water, and skip the dryer to air-dry instead.

Do dishes smarter.

Similar rules apply to dishwashing as they do to washing clothes: run the dishwasher at night, load it to full capacity, and opt for air-drying once the dishes are clean.

Keep the oven door closed.

For every time you open the oven door to check on what’s cooking, the temperature drops by as much as 25 degrees. Use the little window to peek at food.

Replace air filters.

Your HVAC doesn’t have to work as hard, or as long, if the filters are cleaned regularly. Make a point to replace your air filters every 2-3 months. If you have pets or live in a place that’s dusty, replace them more frequently.

Use ceiling fans.

Ceiling fans circulate air, which improves the efficiency of your HVAC system so much that you can set the thermostat up to 4 degrees cooler while maintaining the same comfort level.

Check the fridge temperature.

The best temperature for your refrigerator for optimal cooling: the manufacturer’s recommended setting. You can also reduce airflow by avoiding overfilling the fridge.

Dress appropriately.

Wear sweaters and socks and use blankets and throws in cooler months; come summer, dress yourself in lighter, looser clothing.

Use a programmable thermostat.

Upgrade to a smart thermostat, which not only allows you to schedule heating and cooling, it learns your behaviors and adjusts to your lifestyle.

Fight vampire power.

Even when devices aren’t in use, if they’re plugged in, it’s likely they’re draining power. Unplug all gadgets when you don’t need them.

Is Your Home  Energy Efficient?

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